Pizza frenzy how to change resolution
Pizza frenzy how to change resolution

pizza frenzy how to change resolution

So let’s put up a massive fight, in this crucial decade. The summit amplified “… voices, ideas and solutions it believes are largely absent from Cop – including the global green new deal, polluters’ liability, indigenous ecological knowledge and the gulf between net zero and real zero emissions.” We agree. ( Just in case cute cats are not your thing 😊.)Īnyway, to make a long story short, the time for change is now, as t he People’s Summit for Climate Justice, a counter climate summit argued loud and clear earlier this week. In spite of the fact that increasing health impacts of the climate crisis are getting more obvious with every day that passes.īy the way, for the (no doubt numerous) “doomscrollers” among you, I found out last weekend that my (sometimes rather dreadful) Twitter feed looks a bit gentler when I listen to Taylor Swift’s Folklore album at the same time. Still,as HPW pointed out, health hasn’t been figuring in the main climate negotiations and so it’s also missing from the draft. Moving on then to health in the COP conversations, it’s obvious that health is a lot more prominent than it used to be at the COP, with efforts to reframe the climate crisis as a health crisis gaining steam. Adultism is a sticky and residual belief system, but one that has been excitingly upturned in the climate change conversation.”Ī COP related tweet (from Kate Hampton) also rang true in my ears: “ So many conversations at #COP26 are about telling two truths: there is more progress today than was imaginable even 2 years ago, yet we are still failing against the real measures of science and justice #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency. Adultism is one of the social norms which has long underpinned our social structures and refers to “ oppression of children and youth simply because of their relative age. Put differently: ‘adultism’ is being disrupted in the climate change conversation. As Rejuvenate (IDS) notes, the political agency of children and youth is beginning to be recognized on a number of causes, with climate change as a key case in point. Speaking of Greta and her brave young co-activists, we came across a new concept this week – well, at least for me it was.

pizza frenzy how to change resolution

One being, that youth activists petitioned the UN to declare a ‘systemwide climate emergency’ which sounds about right. It won’t come as much of a surprise that this week’s issue still pays quite some attention to COP 26 in Glasgow, in spite of a holiday yesterday – but then again, to stay in a ‘planetary health’ mode, holidays are “for the birds” 🙂 No great insights here in this week’s intro ( what’s new I hear you say 😊), so let me just list a few things and quotes that struck me in this second COP week.

Pizza frenzy how to change resolution